
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Jason Mallet - Alabama Virtual Library Demonstration

Link to video:

I chose EBSCO's History Reference Center as my database to use. I earned my BA in History and earned my Masters in North Korean economy, so I feel this will be beneficial for teaching my advanced ESL students when I teach classes on these two areas. This resource focuses on history in all areas. It offers general search of articles on a wide variety of history topics. It also offers help on how to properly do research and cite used articles. This is recommended for students in high school and college. I will be using this with both groups when I begin teaching again. I am hoping to teach a course just for how to write a research paper, and honestly the tools offered in that section of the website would be extremely helpful. I will also be showing it to my students in my advanced ESL classes related to history on how they can easily find articles to help with their research.

Please forgive my fast talking; I recorded this several times and each time it went well over 3 minutes!

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