AVL Demonstration - Personal Finance
When browsing the Alabama Virtual Library, I
found a great resource for personal finance. The eBook, Household
Spending: Who Spends How Much on What contains financial data
organized into several categories such as health care, housing, transportation,
and entertainment. This would be an appropriate resource for high school or
college students learning about personal finance. I plan to use this resource
when teaching personal finance to future finite math classes.
I'm glad you chose something from "Adult Resources" as I typically just look at the grades I teach. In my class, we do a personal finance project at the end of the year after testing. I love the breakdown that the book gives and how in-depth it goes, although that may be to in depth for my 6/7 grade students. I can see myself using this as a way to introduce that project and a way to give examples of expenditures that students could make in their daily lives. Your description of how to use the website and how you could implement it in your financial literacy lessons helped me think about my own class project as well.