
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Theories of Critical Thinking

 Theories of Critical Thinking

EIM 505

Autumn Hamm

Education has taken many turns in the last fifty years. There have been many meaningful studies that's sole purpose is to better education and create an environment for students to grow, learn, and become successful members of society. In education, change is inevitable therefore we must be able to adapt to the changes before us. Technology has been a monumental change seen throughout education, from the first desktop computers with floppy disks to now an iPhone that fits in the palm of our hands. The articles that I read showcase much of the impact of technology as well as explore how we can use technology to create meaningful and innovative learning for our students. 

In the article, “A Rich Seam,” the author states, “These days you don’t have to be a lighthouse school to be innovative– you just need to allow and intelligently foster what is already emerging” (Fullan, p. 11). This is an encouragement to all educators. No matter your school demographics or economic status you can be innovative. Technology is all around us but we have to be willing to engage it ourselves. The articles, collectively, reference the importance of how you use the technology. Looking at Bloom’s taxonomy (revised) can help us to monitor how we are using this technology with our students. Are the students just ‘remembering’ and passively using the technology or are they using the technology by ‘evaluating’ and/or ‘creating’. Technology connects us to the world around us. How can we use this power to create assignments or lessons that will connect and actively engage students? 

As we cultivate engaging lessons with the use of technology, we have to enforce digital safety. Educators have to guide their students and model how to make wise and responsible decisions when using devices and the internet. I know at my school, we have many safety features applied to students' devices to help filter or monitor content but students still need guidance. In my current classroom, I have students list ways that our devices can help us in class and then we create a list of ways they can be harmful. The students essentially create their rules for devices with my guidance. I have learned that my students tend to take ownership and become more apt to follow the rules that they created for themselves. In my current field as a teacher, I plan to take the information I have learned back to my classroom. After reading the revised version of Bloom’s taxonomy I feel that I am lacking in the higher levels, specifically with the use of technology to create that higher level of learning. As a future library media specialist, this information is extremely important as well. In my current school, our media specialist takes on many roles including, teaching lessons on digital citizenship, technology coordinator, and teaching digital literacy. 

Fullan, M. & Langworthy, M. (2014). A rich seam: How new pedagogies find deep learning. London: Pearson. Retrieved from

Links to an external site.


Hobbs, R. (2011). Empowering learners with digital and media literacy. Knowledge Quest, 39(5), 12-17. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.  hobbs.pdf 

Download hobbs.pdf


Huitt, W. (2011). Bloom et al.'s taxonomy of the cognitive domain. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved from  huitt.pdf 

Download huitt.pdf


Kuhn, M. S. (2008). Connecting depth and balance in class. Learning & Leading with Technology, 36(1), 18-21. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.  Kuhn_Depth_Balance.pdf 

Download Kuhn_Depth_Balance.pdf


Rogers, E. M. (1963). The adoption process II. Journal of Cooperative Extension, 1(2), 69-75. Retrieved from  (Why am I having you read this crusty old article? Rogers is the pioneer of a theory of how innovations spread. His model has been applied extensively to modern technology principles.)  rogers_innovation.pdf 

Download rogers_innovation.pdf

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