
Friday, July 22, 2022

Hailee Miradakis AVL

PebbleGo is an early elementary-friendly database. Here, students can research animal, math and science topics. students can either type in their interest or click through categories. It has a read-aloud feature for all text on the screen, making it user-friendly for students who are not strong readers yet. This would be a great resource to use in my second grade classroom for a research project!


  1. Thanks for sharing about Pebble Go! I'm a 4th grade teacher, but had always been told that Pebble Go is more of a k-2 resource. In your informative video though, I definitely saw some things my students would love! The question of the day and games are a great bonus feature that would be highly engaging for 3rd and 4th graders, but the source citing might have been my favorite feature. The added accessibility feature of having the text read aloud for students who need that is excellent.

  2. This is the first time I have heard of Pebble Go and I have younger kids. I like how easy it is to navigate through the resource. The way it is displayed with colors and properly laid out so it will keep my little ones entertained. The biggest part you also mentioned was it being a secured site. I think I will be giving Pebble Go a trial run for my kids this week and see how engage they are after 10 minutes online.
