
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

App Reviews

Standard: Florida State SS.5.G.1.6
I have always taught the states in my 5th and 6th grade classes. I had a hard time finding an Alabama standard for this though.

1.State Bingo and Road Trip US

This app allows students of all ages to learn their states in multiple wants. Children can play state bingo, and also play a trivia game to learn information about each state. Once you learn information about each state you receive a "statehood". The goal is to learn all 50 statehoods. This app has 3 different levels in both games. Easy, medium and hard so it is great for multiple different age groups. This app will grow with the students and continue to challenge them. The app does cost  $2.99 and is only compatible for the iPad. There are other versions of the same game available for the iPhone also.

2. Shake the States

This app is an electronic wooden puzzle. It allows students to slide the puzzle pieces into the correct spots. There are 2 levels. The first level has the outline of the states. The 2nd level does not have an outline. You have to remember where the state goes without any visual help. This app also has geography questions in it to challenge the students. This app costs $1.99 and is available on iPhone, iPad and android. The tablet version works better due to its size.

3. Learn the States with Flat Stanley

This app has a free version and a paid version. The free version is an introduction and if you want more, you can pay $1.99 for the paid version. The free version is available on iPad, iPhone and Android. The paid version is iPad only. In this app you can learn the spelling of the states, learn their region, and where they are located. You can also learn interesting facts like the state bird, state flag and landmarks.

If I had to chose just one of these, I believe the State Bingo and Road Trip app is the best. It seems to be the most user friendly and appeal to the biggest audience. I like that it has 2 different games built in and multiple levels. Students can work to earn all 50 "statehood" badges in all 3 levels. This app does cost the most but it isn't that costly. If a class did a $10 app fee each year there would still be money left over for other apps.

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