
Sunday, October 6, 2024

App Review- Lauren Brisendine

The standard I chose was part of the Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards for 7th grade: DLCS18.7.R6 Produce, review, and revise authentic artifacts that include multimedia using appropriate digital tools.

WeVideo is a desktop or mobile device application that can be used for multimedia presentations, videos, podcasts, or audio/visual presentations. The app lets you search built in video/audio content, or upload your own material to publish video creations. Students can work collaboratively on the same project through class mode, and teachers have the ability to add students to a class to monitor progress on assignments, provide feedback, and review/grade projects. The app is free to download, with access to thousands of royalty free media. There are subscription options that allow for more options that range in price from $5.99 a month to $59.99 per month. However, the free option has the capability to do so much.  The application is recommended for students in grades 3-12, but could be used in lower grades with assistance. This application is compatible with apple products including iPhone, iPad, and Andriod devices. It also has a desktop version as well. I feel like the review is credible considering so much of the content and standards covered in the Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards are covered through common sense media, and their evaluation of the pros and cons, their “Learning Rating” and the fact that they give it their “Common Sense for Learning” seal is something that many teachers should look for when using technology effectively in the classroom. 

iMovie is an application that comes automatically loaded on Apple products and runs on iOS 17 or later. This is a video creation and editing application that can be used in the classroom, at a place of business, or for home video editors/content creators. Users can turn pictures or videos into “storytelling” movies. This is a free application that is recommended for users ages 4 and up, according to the Apple App Store. It comes preloaded with 20 versions of storyboards that can help you get started, or gives you the ability to start from scratch and be completely creative. This site review provides unbiased feedback of the app, including pros and cons, verified reviews from a wide range of users, and also provides alternatives to this application in case this is not something you have access to. 

The app allows users to create stop motion videos with ease, using built in features, filters, content, and sound effects. This is a great resource that can be used in really any classroom. Students can work through tutorials, adjust frames per second speed, and download or publish their creations to YouTube, Facebook, Dropbox, and more. There is no cost to download and use this app, however they have released a pro version for a one time purchase of $5.99 that allows users to have more capabilities. The app is intended for users in grades 3-12, and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, macOS, Android, Windows, Chromebook, and Amazon Fire devices. This review site provided insight into the bug fixes, updates to features on the app, and review from over 2,000 users. 

Out of the three, I think that WeVideo is the best option just due to the wide range of projects that students have the ability to create. Whether you want to create a podcast, a slideshow, collaborative projects, or an animated video, the possibilities are endless. That, paired with the fact that teachers can group students and watch progress through the classroom function, makes this app a valuable tool in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lauren! I enjoyed reading your app reviews.WeVideo has always been a favorite of mine! In my district, we began using this app heavily during the times of Covid. It is very easy to use and manipulate! I have never tried WeVideo with my students before. I taught second grade for a few years, and I believe with assistance they could have been able to use this app. I am now in Kindergarten so iMovie would be the app that woud be better suited for my students. Thank you for sharing and giving your opinion of the different digital tools.
