
Sunday, February 28, 2021

App Review by Janie Browning

ELA Kindergarten Standard: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. [RF.K.3]


ISTE: 1c- Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.



Hideout, Phonemic Awareness Fun


- The Hideout app focuses on making phonemic awareness fun. It is designed to help students mastery blending and reading short vowels words. Students drag the initial sound to the word family to create new words. This app is easy to navigate and user-friendly for kindergarten students.

- The cost of the app is .99 cents.

- This app is geared towards beginning readers ages 3 – 7.

- This app is compatible with iOS, Android, and Google.  It can be purchased online in the Apple App Store and Google Play.

- The app review is from Teachers With Apps. This review site is created for teachers by teachers. The website has also been endorsed by educational companies like BrainPOP and Mobile Education. It is a creditable source because experienced educators review the apps.


Phonics: Fun on Farm


Phonics: Fun on Farm app consists of 12 engaging games that focus on essential reading skills. This app includes games that teach phoneme recognition, letter-sound, letter writing, blending, spelling, and simple sentence reading. The app tracks individual student progress and skills are introduced in a natural progression. Students are rewarded with stickers, farm scenes, and farm animals. It is an engaging app that allows students to learn reading skills while building a farm.

- This app has a free version and a pro version that cost $2.99.

- The app is geared towards beginning readers ages 2 – 7.

- This app is compatible with iOS devices (IPad and iPhones). It is available online through the Apple App Store.

- The app review is from Teachers With Apps. This review site is created for teachers by teachers. It is a creditable source because experienced educators review the apps.


Word Wizard App


Word Wizard app allows students to build words and sentences. The app focuses on pre-literacy skills. It allows students to hear sounds and manipulate letter tiles to spell words. Students can also build sentences from the words they have created. In addition to building words and sentences, this app has a text-to-speech feature. This allows students to hear the words pronounced after they have been created. Teachers, parents, or students can create their own spelling list to study weekly phonics skills. This app also has a quiz feature to check for student understanding and mastery.

- This app cost $7.99.

- The app is geared towards children ages 4-7.

 -This app is compatible with iPads and iPhones. It is available online through the Apple App Store.

- The app review is from Common Sense Media. This review site is created for teachers by teachers. Common Sense Media is a creditable source because it is accredited and educators review the apps.


Early literacy skills are critical to students becoming successful readers. I have used each of the selected apps in my kindergarten classroom to reinforce phonemic awareness and phonics skills. In my opinion, Phonics: Fun on Farm is the best app of the three selected for reinforcing and improving phonemic awareness. It allows students to feed farm animals, herd sheep, and build their own barn while mastering early literacy skills. I use this app as a literacy station in my classroom. It keeps students engaged during independent workstations and it is very user-friendly. I highly recommend this app because it is affordable, engaging, easy to use, and makes learning fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hideout, Phonemic Awareness Fun seems like it is a great app to assist with elementary students. I've never used this app before, but I would love to use it with my Kindergarteners and first graders in the library to help them learn how to sound out words and name the sounds of letters. I'm sure that this digital tool would be a great access to teachers that teach elementary students to help increase the students reading skills and performance on assessments. It's great that the app is accessible and can be purchased through the app store. Teaching students how to read words in different word families can be challenging. But, to have a resource such as Hideout, Phonemic Awareness Fun can be rewarding.
