
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Theories of Critical Thinking

I have been teaching music for 18 years. It is certain that I have been at every stage of the adoption process throughout my career as an educator. that technology would never be used in the music classroom that much. How could technology ever teach a child to read music, comprehend it, and be a creative musician? I now use apps and music software daily to plan my lessons as well as teach my band students how to use the technology themselves.
The digital world has changed quickly. It is hard to keep up with the technology as it changes almost daily. Teaching and learning is no longer just about books, paper, and pencils. As educators and innovators, we must embrace the new technology, find what gets results, use it, and continue to seek new strategies to improve. The digital age can be overwhelming. I have at times been the opinion leader helping out and modeling how to use technology to older teachers and students. As I have become the “older” teacher, I seek out advice from younger teachers and even students when trying to comprehend the latest tech gadget.
The Kuhn article sums up how we can use Bloom’s taxonomy in today’s digital age. Our school is a 1 to 1 school and I see firsthand the innovative ways teachers are teaching students. I have two elementary school aged boys that amaze me with the things they can do on a computer or even on a game system. They are creating innovative projects and learning at a level that I could have never imagined at their age. Cutting edge technology is definitely providing the tools teachers need to reach all kinds of learners.
As educators, we all agree that we want our students to learn and make progress. As we continue to progress in the digital world that we live in, it is our responsibility to embrace technology and use it to get results. That does not mean we have to use everything that is available and it doesn’t mean that we have to stay close to what we are comfortable with either. As a music teacher, I teach students to be comfortable making music but to not be afraid to go out of their comfort zone to experience new music. I hope to set that example as an educator as well and use technology as a way to be a better teacher and learner.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie,

    I agree that technology can sometimes be very overwhelming, but once you learn a program and get used to the way it works, it has amazing benefits! I agree with you about children knowing so much about technology! I teach second grade, and a lot of times my students can fix what is wrong with my ChromeBooks before I can!

    I love how you incorporate technology into music! My husband is a musician, and he has so many apps that help him play songs. He is still learning to read music, but he taught himself how to play guitar tabs on youtube. He has apps that generate the chords for him, so he can look up and play songs right as his fingertips.

    I also encourage my students to step out of their comfort zone when it comes to learning! There is so much that you never knew that you could do until you try!

    Great reflection!
