
Monday, August 27, 2018

Theories of Critical Thinking

Bloom's Taxonomy is something that has always been difficult to teach as a whole group. Making sure all students can work on all levels of the taxonomy is a challenge. Today's technology has made this much easier. Today, we can incorporate the different levels and experiences through technology. This allows each child to work on their level increase as they master each level. Technology is allows students to dig deeper in their learning. Technology allows me to allow my students to explore the internet and find answers to their own questions. This is a skill that will go with them the rest of their lives. I love that through technology my students' can develop a questions, research that question, share with others and create data from a collaborative effort. Technology if always changing and through this students are always learning new things. Technology allows students and teachers alike to do things easier, more efficiently and in different ways. Students always think doing things with technology is more fun than the old fashion way. With this, not all teachers are as open to this change as others. New, younger teachers are usually more open this change. Once other teachers see how the students are learning and enjoying class, others will usually join in. As technology changes, the teachers that are the most resistant to change will eventually not have a choice and will have to junk on the technology band wagon. I enjoyed reading these articles. I think all this information made since and is very true for today. Technology comes with a lot of changes and you either need to jump or or be left behind. Students use technology everyday outside of school and if I can reach my students with technology why wouldn't I?


  1. Being able to incorporate varying levels and experiences has definately been improved through the use of technology. Your critique addresses the importance of technology and using it to help our students progress. How amazing is it that as technology changes, our students are able to adjust and continue as if nothing has changed? I do think it is important to note that there is a fine line between technology making learning fun, and technology causing stress and frustration for students. Not every child likes technology. We need to be able to revert back to the basics to keep some kids interested.

  2. I agree, most of the time the older teachers tend to jump in once they see their peers doing it. However, sometimes this is not the case and students are then lacking in skills when they are promoted to the next grade. My technology coordinator says this is one of the toughest parts of her job, and she tends to be a constant cheerleader for those teachers that need it. Even though those teachers are able to do everything that the tech-savvy teachers can, they need a little bit (or a lot bit) of support to feel comfortable.

  3. Kimberly do you know anything about Webb's depths of Knowledge? That's what we are using here in Louisiana. I find my training on Bloom's and on the job training with conflicting. I am not sure that I would agree that technology is a tool to learn. I think it is more of a way to express and catalogue what you learn. Teaching the old fashioned way does have its merits. Technology is absolutely useless if students don't know the processes that technology does for them
