1. CCS.ELA15.5.20a –
· Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of context. [RF.5.3a]
Lexia Core 5
- Lexia Core 5 is an app that I allow students to use to practice literacy skills. It provides them with six areas of reading focusing on phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, structural analysis, automaticity, and comprehension. Students complete mini lessons depending on their placement test to help improve levels. Once they master a skill they are able to play games to earn badges.
2. CCS.ELA15.5.40a –
· Expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning, reader or listener interest, and style. [L.5.3a]
Khan Academy
- Khan Academy is an app I use with students when going over a lesson or assign work for Google Classroom. What I like about this app is students can access this website when they misunderstand something. It does a great job of providing notes for students, showing a video with examples, and giving practice problems for students to complete.
3. CCS.SS10.5.1 –
· Locate on a map physical feature that impacted the exploration and settlement of the Americas, including ocean currents, prevailing winds, large forests, major rivers, and significant mountain ranges.
Studies Weekly
- Studies Weekly is an app we use for Science and Social Studies. What I like about this app is it provide students with videos, cross word puzzles, and interactive games for students to complete showcasing their learning.
· Overall if I had to choose an app it would be Studies Weekly because it gives students the opportunity to be in control of their learning. Being a 5th grade teacher, I enjoy seeing when students gain a since of independence. This app is curriculum and standard base where students learn about Social Studies in an interactive way instead of reading about it in a book.